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Welcome to an exciting summer at Museet Kystens Arv

This years program offers exhibitons, daily guided tours and activities for the whole family. 

Opening hours:
Every day of the week from 11AM-4PM

Adults: 110kr
Elderly/student: 90kr
Children 0-15 years: Free entry along with an adult
(you do not need a ticket to the museum to eat in the restaurant)

- Boat & sustainability - Central Norwegian coastal culture through 150 years
- Hope for the ocean
- The boat hall (English text in separate pamphlet. Get yours in the reception)
- Lofotdrifta from Trøndelag
- FØLT FILT (Felt felt) by Norske Filtmakere

Our active boat workshop were experienced professionals and apprenticees in learning build traditional clinker built wooden boats. This summer there are two larger fisher boats under construction. 
Stop by to learn about a craft that spans a thousand years into tradition. 

Activities for the whole family

- Rowing in the river Prestelva (loan floating devices in the reception)
- Barnas båtbyggeri: hammer your own little sail boat in the kids boatyard and practice your sail knot skills
- Playboat in the yard
- Traditional logging playset
- Play area, games and puzzles in the exhibition Boat & sustainability - Central Norwegian coastal culture through 150 years,

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Offers a wide meny all summer with soups, toast, sandwiches, cakes, ice cream, coffee and soda water

With a wide variety of localy crafted wares and fun souvenirs and gifts for people of all ages - all with an ocean and coastal theme. 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2