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Boat and sustainability

The boat was once the most natural of all.

In Norway there has always been an obvious links between the sea and the food served on the table, the fishing life at sea and those at home, between the adult world and children’s play at the coastline. The boat was the beginning of the opportunity for a better life, schooling, business, wealth, journeys, and adventures. But the life at sea was additionally threatened by accidents and loss.

The boat and the people at the coastal line belonged together. The children played the living life while the women maintained their homes. The women were the first up from the bed in the morning, and the last ones in bed in the evening. In the meanwhile, the men inherited the art of sailing, rowing and fishing. They made everything themselves. From the boat, to fishing nets. From the wool of the sheep they made sails for the boats and clothes. Without giving it a though, they all learned about sustainability through their lifestyle. They re-used and repaired. From the sea they only took what was necessary and they needed. Boats was built to have a long living life. Their coastal culture indirectly took care of the environment.

Join us for this new exhibition at Museet Kystens Arv and learn about the coastal culture of Trøndelag. Experience the history of the coastal people and the way of living along the coast. Get an insight into the boats, the sustainability, the smiles and tears, and the frugality.

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Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2